Papa's Fishing Hole

>> Thursday, August 28, 2008

After we ate at Big Juds we took the biker men home to let them unpack their things, and then we loaded up the van, and took the boys to Papa's FAMOUS fishing hole. Kayden Proud to be using his new fishing pole
They have to carry the boys across the river to the sand bar so that they are able to stay dry and fish. Papa carried Kayden over.
Here is Tyler and Xander headed over (Don't my husband look HOT in those sexy green wader's? (he had to barrow them from his dad so he wouldn't get wet and cold)
Kayden fishing...he actually caught one all by himself watch the video of him catching his first FIRST fish. He was so proud of himself. when he got out there Papa gave him some quick instructions, and he left him to do his thing. With the way Kayden was casting you think he had been doing it his whole life.

(The whole time I am filming him I am getting eaten alive by mosquito's, and I have bee's buzzing around me, and so that is why it is a little shaky in some places. I also added a short clip of Xander...He defiantly liked being able to fish, and was a little sad that he didn't catch anything, but he sure did have fun)
Kayden with his FIRST fish