His Name: Tyler
How Long have you been together: 5 years

Kayden and Tyler
How Long did you date: 2 years
How old is he: 29 in a couple of weeks.
Who eats the most: mostly him, but I can keep up sometimes.
Who is taller: Tyler is
Who was the first to say " I LOVE YOU": Tyler did
Who does the laundry: I do unless there is a stain on it, and then I have the PRO get it out.
Who does the dishes: I do this is Tylers least favorite thing to do
Kayden, Xander and Tyler
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: Currently I do, but normally it is which everside is closest to the door.
Who Pays the bills: I do
Who mows the lawn: Tyler does Who cooks: I do unless it is on the BQ.
Who sings better: I like to sing, but Tyler is better at it.
Who drives when you are together: Tyler Does
Who is more stubborn: Depends on what it is.
Who asked who out first: Tyler did we went Lazer tagging in Salt Lake City
Who is more sensitive: That would be me for sure
Who has more friends: I do
Who has more siblings: We have the same amount I have two sisters, and he has one sister and one brother

Tyler and Landen
Who wears the pants in the family: I will leave this one open for discussion ;)